This module helps understand and learn the basic concepts of different password attacks. We will cover the following topics in this module:
- Theory of Protection
- Password Mutations
- Remote Password Attacks
- Local Password Attacks for Linux & Windows
- Credential Hunting
- Password Cracking
- Cracking Password Protected Files
-related Sections:
- Theory of Protection
- Credential Storage
- Network Services
- Password Mutations
- Password Reuse / Default Passwords
- Attacking SAM
- Attacking LSASS
- Attacking Active Directory & NTDS.dit
- Credential Hunting in Windows
- Credential Hunting in Linux
- Passwd, Shadow & Opasswd
- Pass the Hash (PtH)
- Protected Files
- Protected Archives
- Password Policies
- Password Managers
-related Sections:
- Theory of Protection
- Credential Storage
- Network Services
- Password Mutations
- Password Reuse / Default Passwords
- Attacking SAM
- Attacking LSASS
- Attacking Active Directory & NTDS.dit
- Credential Hunting in Windows
- Credential Hunting in Linux
- Passwd, Shadow & Opasswd
- Pass the Hash (PtH)
- Protected Files
- Protected Archives
- Password Policies
- Password Managers
-related Sections:
- All sections
This module is broken into sections with accompanying hands-on exercises to practice each of the tactics and techniques we cover. The module ends with a practical hands-on skills assessment to gauge your understanding of the various topic areas.
As you work through the module, you will see example commands and command output for the various topics introduced. It is worth reproducing as many of these examples as possible to reinforce further the concepts presented in each section. You can do this in the target host provided in the interactive sections or your virtual machine.
You can start and stop the module at any time and pick up where you left off. There is no time limit or "grading," but you must complete all of the exercises and the skills assessment to receive the maximum number of cubes and have this module marked as complete in any paths you have chosen.
The module is classified as "Medium
" but assumes a working knowledge of the Linux command line and an understanding of information security fundamentals.
A firm grasp of the following modules can be considered prerequisites for successful completion of this module:
- Linux Fundamentals
- Windows Fundamentals
- Introduction to Bash Scripting
Theory of Protection
, Integrity
, and Availability
are at the heart of every Infosec practitioner's role. Without maintaining a balance between them, we cannot ensure the safety and security of our enterprises. We keep this balance by ensuring we audit and account (Accounting) for each file, object, and host in our environment; by validating users have correct permissions (Authorization) to view and utilize those items; and ensuring that each user's identity is validated (Authentication) before granting them access to any enterprise resources. Most breaches can be tied back to losing one of those three tenets. This module will focus on attacking and bypassing the tenet of Authentication
by compromising user passwords in many different operating systems, applications, and encryption types. Let's take a second to discuss authentication and its components in a bit more detail before diving into the exciting part, attacking passwords
Authentication, at its core, is the validation of your identity by presenting a combination of three main factors to a validation mechanism. They are;
- Something you know (a password, passcode, pin, etc.).
- Something you have (an ID Card, security key, or other MFA tools).
- Something you are (your physical self, username, email address, or other identifiers.)
The process can require any or all of these authentication descriptors. These methods will be determined based on the severity of the information or systems accessed and how much protection they need. For example, doctors are often required to utilize a Common Access Card (CAC) paired with a pin-code or password to access any terminals that input or store patient data. Depending on the maturity of the organization's security posture, they could require all three types (A CAC, password, and pin from an authenticator app, for example).
Another simple example of this is access to our email address. The proof of information, in this case, would be the knowledge of the email address itself and the associated password. For example, a cell phone with 2FA
can be used. The third aspect can also play a role: the user's presence through biometric recognition such as a fingerprint or facial recognition.
In the previous example, the password is the authentication identifier that can be bypassed with different TTPs. This level is about authenticating the identity. Usually, only the owner and authenticating authority know the password. Authorization is carried out if the correct password is given to the authentication authority. Authorization, in this case, is the set of permissions that the user is granted upon successful login.
The Use of Passwords
The most common and widely used authentication method is still the use of passwords, but what is a password? A password or passphrase can be generally defined as a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols in a string for identity validation.
For example, if we work with passwords and take a standard 8-digit password that consists only of upper case letters and numbers, we would get a total of 36⁸
) different combinations of passwords.
Realistically, it doesn't need to be a combination of those things. It could be a lyric from a song or poem, a line from a book, a phrase you can remember, or even randomly generated words concatenated together like "TreeDogEvilElephant." The key is for it to meet or exceed the security standards in place by your organization. Using multiple layers to establish identity can make the entire authentication process complicated and costly. Adding complexity to the authentication process creates further effort that can add to the stresses and workload a person may have during a typical workday. Complex systems can often require inconvenient manual processes or additional steps that could significantly complicate the interaction and user experience
). Consider the process of shopping at an online store. Creating an account on the store website can make the authentication and checkout processes much faster than manually inputting your personal information each time you wish to make a purchase. For this reason, using a username and password to secure an account is the most widespread method of authentication that we will see again and again while keeping in mind this balance of convenience and security.
PandaSecurity has compiled statistics on various aspects of passwords that give us a good overview of how and in what way passwords are used worldwide. Of interest to us would be the entry describing 24% of Americans
have used passwords like password
, Qwerty
, or 123456
. So, in theory, we could successfully compromise systems using these three passwords at many different organizations due to their widespread use.
Another interesting statistic was created by Google. This statistic shows us, for example, other passwords used by 24% of Americans. We can also see that 22%
used their name
, and 33%
used the name of their pet
or children
. Another critical statistic for us is the password re-use
of an already used password for more than one account, 66%
. This means that 66% of all Americans, according to this statistic, have used the same password for multiple platforms. Therefore, once we have obtained or guessed a password, there is a 66% chance that we could use it to authenticate ourselves on other platforms with the user's ID (username or email address). This would, of course, require that we are able to guess the user's user ID, which, in many cases, is not difficult to do.
One aspect of this statistic that is somewhat more difficult to understand is that only 45% of Americans would change their passwords after a data breach. This, in turn, means that 55% still keep the password
even though it has already been leaked. We can also check if one of our email addresses is affected by various data breaches. One of the best-known sources for this is HaveIBeenPwned. We enter an email address in the HaveIBeenPwned website, and it checks in its database if the email address has already been affected by any reported data breaches. If this is the case, we will see a list of all of the breaches in which our email address appears.
Digging In
Now that we have defined what a password is, how we use them, and common security principles, let's dive into how we store passwords and other credentials.